Use data to better start, grow and display plants.


Water seedlings with precision using sensitive sensors.

Prevent disease.

Overwatering leads to disease.

Most potting mixes contain fresh plant material and are prone to fungal growth. When watering is controlled this isn't a problem. Overwatering can kill plants by encouraging that fungal population to get out of control and attack the stem of young plants. This common problem, called "damping-off" is avoided with precision watering.

Ritesh Man Tamrakar, 'Germinating Ideas'


Under watering delays germination.

When a seed is germinating it takes in water and begins to grow. The plant is jumping in and taking a risk! If it faces dry conditions before it has a root to collect water with then it will be in danger.

Keep your schedule

Germinate quickly without risk.

Warming seedling is a common technique to speed germination and make it more reliable. However, that quickly dries out the potting media and creates a risk of seedling death from dehydration. Mitigate risk and keep your speedy germination by keeping a close (electronic!) eye on germinating seeds.


Grow your plants big and strong.

Chris Hawes, 'Mums'

Nurture with nutrition.

Water transports nutrients from the soil. Good water supply allows reliable nutrient transport.

Plants transport nutrients like nitrogen, calcium and magnesium into their roots and up to the top of the plant. Whether you use hydroponics or an organic system a reliable nutrient supply is important. Water is the central carrier. This is where the old farmer idiom comes from: "Water is the best fertilizer".

UNTIL THEN ......., 'workload'. A bee working to gather pollen and honey.

Reduce your workload

Adapt and plan with a remote view of your plants.

Conditions change. Checking on your plants frequently is important. But over-checking wastes time. Avoid over-checking by knowing when it's time to pay attention to your little green friends. Wely can send you a reminder when your plants get dry or even be used to predict the next time you need to check on your plants.

Beth Siddens, 'Big Harvest

Increase yield

Ok, maybe not as much as in the photo. But many yields increase when a plant faces the stress of controlled drought.

Plants are often produced for their chemical contents. Those special, valueable, compounds are usually made at the end of the life of the plant and are called "secondary metabolites". The amount of material produced can be increased by using a controlled drought. For example, THC yield from cannabis can be increased by 43% (by area) just by controlling watering.


Put your best flower forward.

cut flowers

Keep cut flowers fresh

Cut flowers droop from dehydration.

The end of the life of cut flowers normally comes from stems being blocked. That happens when bacteria grows in the stems. Cutting the stems can extend shelf life. But how do you know when that's needed? If you run a business that's too busy to check on your cut flowers, Wely can do it for you. When stems get blocked and need to be re-cut water use rate will drop. The Wely Device will notice!

Ron Reiring, 'Angry Pale Penguin (or maybe an owl). Keep your stuffed owl friends happy and replace flowers on time.

Remove flowers when they are done.

Cut flowers don't last forever. Don't display ones past their prime.

Cut flowers will slow then stop their water use when they are past their prime. Instead of changing them out on an inflexible schedule, listen to the plants and remove them only when they are truly done. Get a remote signal that shows when the display is finished so you don't have to worry about displaying unsightly plants.


Keep living plants flowering

Plants often drop their flowers as a response to drought.

A moth orchid can keep its flowers for 8 months if it is well watered. It will lose them in weeks if it dehydrates. Keep your display plants healthy and beautiful by watering them with precision. Well cared for plants will often be back for another round of flowering later! Peace lillies like to be wet. Roses use a lot of water. Orchids hate drying out. Cacti get root rot if they are kept wet. Whatever your plants need, Wely can help.


Mass is universal and Wely reports temperature as well. Innovate by applying the device to your project. Monitor the progress of a fermentation? Get a signal when a container is empty? Wely has been used to monitor incubation of microbial populations, watch for low temperature events which cause flower drop, dry material, and detect the presence of an object.